Tips for preparing IELTS Listening


The recording will be played once only - so write the answers as you listen. Once you lose focus, you will miss answers. If that happens, don’t panic. Simply forget about it and move on to the next question. Otherwise, you will lose more marks. To help yourself avoid this, practice full tests at home to build up your ability to concentrate.

Be prepared to multitask

The test requires candidates to read the questions, listen for the answers and write down words all at the same time. If you are not used to this, you should practice.

Don’t waste the ‘gap time’

At the beginning of each task, you will be given reading time. Underline the key words and try to predict what the speakers will talk about – from theme-related words to content you know about the topics. This will help you respond more quickly when you listen. Similarly, after the audio stops, you will have time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. Use this time to check the answers you have written, including the spelling and grammar.

Listen for answers

Don’t try to understand everything. Not all the information you hear will be relevant. Keep yourself focused on listening for answers to questions – focus on information that answers the questions.

Take notes and be ready for changes

You will not be able to remember everything that is said, so it is a good idea to jot down notes. This will allow you to stay focused and have information to refer to if the speakers gives an unexpected response.

Attempt all questions

You are not penalized for giving a wrong answer. Therefore, if you don’t know an answer, make an educated guess. Always write something in the box on your answer sheet. Who knows, maybe your guess will be right!

Look for audio clues

The intonation of the speakers or discourse markers they use may give you hints about their stances or real intentions. This skill is especially important when you do not fully understand the speech.

Read the instructions carefully

Some questions set word limits for your answers or require you to write a letter, a number or a word, etc. If you don’t follow the instructions, you will lose marks even if your understanding is perfect.


University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. (2009). Top Tips for IELTS.

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